Radial and Transverse Components of Velocity and Acceleration

Radial and Transverse Components of Velocity and Acceleration 

A point in Polar coordinate system is represented by p(r, θ) where r is the radius vector and θ is the angle which the radius vector makes with initial line.
The direction of the radius vector (OP) ̅  =( r) ̅ is called the radial direction. Let r ̂ be the unit vector along this direction. The direction perpendicular to ( r) ̅ in the direction of increasing θ is called the transverse direction. Let s ̂ be the unit vector along this direction.
Radial and Transverse Components of Velocity and Acceleration

Radial and Transverse Components of Velocity and Acceleration

Radial and Transverse Components of Velocity and Acceleration

Amna Mughal

Graphic Designer | SEO Optimizer | Blogger | Java Developer | Photographer.

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MTS said...
